
An essay and video contest for high school students in the western United States and the Pacific Islands.
When Duty Calls: Why Exercising the Rights
and Responsibilities of Citizenship is Important to Me
What is the thing you prize the most? The possession you would never give away? Never put someplace you couldn’t find it? Maybe you are thinking computer, phone, fancy jewelry, favorite childhood stuffie or something like that.
But how about your rights? As a U.S. citizen, you are guaranteed fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the United States. Hand in hand with those rights come serious responsibilities to our nation and our society.
The 2025 Ninth Circuit Civics Contest prompt challenges you to dive into the rights and responsibilities of being a U.S. citizen and explore deeply how they affect you and how you can affect them. There is no one correct way to answer the prompt and no specific rights you are expected to highlight. Here are a few questions that may help
ignite your investigation. It is up to you to express your thoughts on this civics journey. Dive in!
• Which right or rights are you most excited to exercise when you reach the age of majority—18—or become an
adult citizen through naturalization? Why?
• What constitutional rights can you exercise now? Have you exercised any of these, and what has it meant to
you? Do you have plans to exercise any others?
• Are there any ways you can influence the exercise of constitutional rights by adults for those rights you cannot yet access yourself? Have you done this, and how?
• Why does the contest pair “rights” with “responsibilities” and state they go hand in hand?
The 2025 Ninth Circuit Civics Contest is open to high school students in nine western states and two Pacific island jurisdictions. Students from public, private, parochial and charter schools as well as homeschooled students of equivalent grade status may enter.
The contest is organized by the Ninth Circuit Public Information and Community Outreach (PICO) Committee.
Both essays and videos can be submitted electronically starting January 8, 2025. Deadline for entries
is 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, Friday, March 7, 2025.
For more information, email us at civicscontest@ce9.uscourts.gov.
Past Civics Contest Winners Share Process and Lessons Learned
In this video, members of the Ninth Circuit Public Information and Community Outreach (PICO) Committee talk with the winners of the 2021 Ninth Circuit Civics Contest about their creative process and what they learned while working on their winning entries.
Download the Contest Flyer and the Contest Rules. There will soon be Resource Materials related to the contest topic available for students to review.
Questions? For more information, please contact the Ninth Circuit Office of the Circuit Executive at civicscontest@ce9.uscourts.gov.